Ge en gåva för Ros träning! Donate

fredag 30 januari 2009

Rough and tough, but spring is ahead...

Beautiful New Year Celebrators

Beautiful New Year Celebrators

These need to be tried!!!

The Real One even brought a ton of parcels!

isn't that... the Real Thing TOMTEN!!ho ho ho...

* Kids & cousins together at Christmas time *

A long time has passed, seemingly, with too much turmoil going on around our family* for us to proceed in the way ment with Ros's program.

We have all been very upsidedown from time to time and exhausted.
Also we have just been through the darkest time of the year in Sweden, and for someone getting out very little it is a not so good time! Ros and mum are craving light!!!
But, now the light is turning back and the days are becoming longer again! Sun will return! Spring will come! We will take walks in the morning dew barefeet ... soon.
Ros is growing and is waiting for life to take her even further. And she is waiting for us to get hold of this ship and cruise the oceans! Here she comes!
*This was due to a report to the social authorities that our children ( or, some of them) would not be taken care of and would be 'depressed' and that we would be uncapable parents)(And it was suggested that we only care about Ros and not about the other children). Among a long list of things proposed as a clear truth these things reported made our whole family involved in this investigation that has been both deeply humiliating and tragic for the children and to some extent also to us, and most of all very, very energy- and timedraining. And very sad. Though, very learning!
The person reporting has obviously very much pain and succeeds in projecting it outside of the own person, but in a devastating way to all of us.
Ros program has suffered greately of this, as has our economy with hours and hours and hours of meetings and phonecalls, and many emotions rising in all of family. Having to be met and seen and looked at.
What the social authorities have ''come to'' (that we never doubted), having now had all the meetings, talks and looking into our most personal everything is: Our children are such wonderful children, being so beautiful and well mannerd and certainly loved, seen, looked after and cared for. Closing of case.
(And it is also obvious that we spend a good amount of time with all children and have wise and clear ways of meeting needs, taking care of each and every one in the best way possible.
And that it is not taking from the children what we do for Ros, it is giving them means to be toghether with her and it gives them great growth.
This process has taken great part of more than two months of our life. (When ended more than 4 months had passed!) And of Ros's first 5 month training program.
The sky is endlessly clear blue and promises that it is all worth it. What shall follow we do not know. Life is. We are alive and that's the very gift.

This is the gift.

Our family has Grown! We Rise & Shine and carry with us in our heart of hearts that this life is prescious, that we all can do more of our best
and our being toghether. We see that others pain is not ours, and they are not blamed for it - but neither can we live it for them or take it away.

"To err is human, to forgive is divine"

Love Light and Trust, from us to you...

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About me

Mitt foto
I am here to Live Fully and I am very curious about Life!! I want to explore and unfold! I love my inclined floor my pictures and books when my sisters and brothers reads to me and have fun with me! Favoritfilmer My sisters say I will love 'Piglets Big Movie' (Winnies friend) but I don't know... Favoritmusik Mummy and Daddy singing and playing Nora Jones Salsa when I am doing patterning all of Kailash music Enya Deuter Alan Stivell... My sisters when they sing to me sometimes I love that! And I love the silence very much too. it's great music for me as many sounds get very noisy in my head but it's getting better too. Favoritböcker All books that have good clear pictures! My home-made books!


It is a very costly and big work to finance Ros' journeys
to and meetings with the IAHP. Naturally worth every single penny; cent;
dime; euro or krona put into it.
As it is absolutely the greatest thing
that we can give her to help her
in reaching her fullest potential.

There is no way to measure the worth
of making a child well.

For Ros it is the one way
out of her current state of blindness, immobility,
pore breathing and tube-feeding.

Ros is going to get a training-schedule specially designed
for all her senses for her brain to enable connection
where her brain-injury now makes it impossible.
It will take her and us lots of time, sweat and tears
to accomplish this. And Life is so Good!
Ros too wants to join the dancing and singing...!

YOU are welcome to help us help her,
by giving a donation to her fund.
Even a small donation is worth a lot to us.
Used only for the journeys to
and appointements with IAHP, and for specific
tools we need to get or build for her training,
(such as material for her inclined floor,

visual-training material).


SUPPORTED BY THE SWEDISH GOVERNMENT, in Norway it is fully payed by government, many other countries supports it with a large part too).

All is welcome ~ Deepest thanks

This is the account to use if you would like to help
in making this possible for Ros.

Nordea Bank AB
Pg 612 13 56-7

From abroad use :
IBAN nr SE 56 9500 0099 60 18 61 21 35 67
Swift code NDE ASE SS
Nordea Bank AB

For any questions concerning donations,
send an email:
OR CALL +46 736 81 97 07


