My sweet grandmother is a'doldis'. She works in the background and is most often available for me and my family to help out in diferent situations of crisis. Such as needing a lymphatic drainage! Or mom sees late at night that there is breakfast-gear missing for the next morning when hungry sisters and brothers show the world what they go for :-) Or going to get some of the big children from friends or trainings, when mom and dad are reeeaally busy... She's a rock! And more than that, she is cute and sweet and loves me!
She comes every day to do patterning with Mum and Dad, and t h a t is one of the best things I know! I am starting to become a c r a w l e r soon. Eager to show all my friends at the Institutes!!
So here are just some pics of Grandma, and me.
By the way, when she is not a doldis she is having her own beautiful café in the village!! Café Tant Grön! Cool place. And before that she had for 20 years the world famous (true!) Tångbadhuset i Ljungskile. An old seaweed Bath house from the beginning of last century. AWSOME place, everyone says. And awesome lady she is.
Kisses & Blessings,
Shanty Bjarka Rose - yea, sometimes I feel it's good to use my full-blossoming name! Take care!

I am going to grab that bananarattle!!